Quirindi Local Business Networking Breakfast

October 26, 2018

Quirindi Local Business Networking Breakfast

To celebrate Small Business Month, Liverpool Plains Shire Council and Liverpool Plains Business Chamber will be holding free Local Business Networking Breakfast on Friday 26th of October.

Held at the Quirindi TAFE Connected Learning Centre, the event will start at 7:30am with breakfast will be sponsored by the Liverpool Plains Business Chamber and supplied by Zest Cafe & Catering.

The event will be presented with a keynote speaker, Lisa Messenger, the vibrant CEO of the Messenger Group, as well as Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Collective Hub. Grew up in nearby Coolah, she previously worked globally in events, sponsorship, marketing, PR and publishing, has authored and co-authored 24 books and is now an authority in the start-up scene. Lisa is a vibrant, passionate and sought-after global public speaker known for her on-stage wit, insight and high level of audience engagement. She encourages an entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, innovation and lives life to the absolute max.

Liverpool Plains Shire Council & Liverpool Plains Business Chamber are grateful to have a figure and presence such as Lisa coming to our shire and support and help build a community of like-minded people. RSVP by the 19th October 2018 via the Register button; limited spaces available For further details, contact Liverpool Plains Business Chamber email: quirindichamber@outlook.com or text: 0428 474 602

For further details and info

For further details, contact Liverpool Plains Business Chamber 
email: quirindichamber@outlook.com or text: 0428 474 602